HD Hentai

Amai Choubatsu: Watashi wa Kanshu Sen'you Pet Season Episode 1


amai choubatsu watashi wa kanshu sen you pet season 1


Magic Bus

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Release Date

June 24, 2018

Upload Date

July 06, 2018

Alternate Titles

Amai Choubatsu: Watashi wa Kanshu Sen`you Pet Sweet Punishment 달콤한 징벌: 나는 간수 전용 펫 甘い懲罰~私は看守専用ペット 甜蜜惩罚 我是看守专用宠物

The story is set in a prison in the near future. It revolves around Saotome Hina, imprisoned despite her innocence, and the elegant yet sadistic guard Miyoujin Aki. Hina's heart and body are at the mercy of Myojin's "heartless yet sweet domination" from physical examinations to lovers' prison visits.